Forensic Accounting Pros Serve Clients in Mechanicsburg, PA

Advanced accounting services for business optimization and litigation support

Mechanicsburg, PA calls itself, “A good place to live since 1823.” Given our experience here, we’re certainly not going to dispute that motto. However, at North American Forensic Accounting, we’d like to see Mechanicsburg become a great place to do business. According to legend, this has not always been the case. One story with a Sleepy Hollow feel to it involves the Frankeberger Tavern, the oldest building in town. Allegedly, a rich cattleman, having just made a big sale in Harrisburg, boasted openly about the gold he was carrying. Oops. Someone followed the man back to his room, decapitated him and absconded with the gold. Ever since, a headless ghost has roamed the tavern and its rooftop, apparently searching for his murderer and the gold. At NAFA, we don’t think anyone should lose their head over a business transaction. We offer advanced accounting services, so our clients have precise, accurate data on which to base business decisions. We also provide reliable litigation support, so attorneys and their clients can maximize their chances of success.

Our full range of advanced accounting services keeps our clients ahead of the curve

NAFA is determined to help every client build a better business. We help clients remedy vulnerabilities and implement best practices from the top to the bottom of their organization. Our services include:

  • Transaction advisory services — Business assets are a substantial investment, but are they worth the money? Whether you are buying or selling, you want an accurate valuation to guide your decision making. Our NAFA pros examine financial records to produce informative quality of earnings reports, which tell you whether you can rely on revenue into the future. We also perform business valuations, so you can have a clear image of a company’s worth, whether you want to continue operating it, or liquidate its assets.
  • Investigations — NAFA is comprised of experts in investigations and fraud detection. We help businesses investigate suspect losses and deleterious conduct that exposes the organization to civil and criminal liability. Our investigations have tackled allegations of sexual harassment, abusive treatment of subordinates, and misappropriation of assets.
  • Litigation support — Attorneys who need reliable data to support or defend claims can rely on NAFA for economic loss calculations, especially for business torts and insurance controversies. We draft detailed reports in clear language any layman can understand. We participate in trial preparation and often appear as expert witnesses, providing direct, credible testimony.
  • Internal audit — Trust but verify. This maxim for treaty negotiations is also instructive for business. You rely heavily on your internal audit department to understand your company’s risks. It is important to know if your internal audit department is performing at a high level. With decades of experience, NAFA’s internal audit experts perform quality assessments that can help take your internal audit department to the next level. We can also supervise niche audits that your own personnel may not be prepared to manage and assist with such as Sarbanes-Oxley testing.
  • Ethics and compliance — In our experience, there is a direct correlation between the ethical tone of an organization and its efficiency, productivity, and adherence to regulations. NAFA provides assessments, training, tools, and guidance to remediate your corporate culture. We also help businesses implement programs to guard against fraud and qualify for leniency under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines.

Our team has vast experience across a wide variety of industries, so no matter what business you’re in, NAFA can provide the professional services you require.

Contact North American Forensic Accounting in Mechanicsburg for advanced accounting services

North American Forensic Accounting provides a wide range of advanced accounting and advisory services for businesses and law firms in and around Mechanicsburg, PA. Call us at 347-286-4860 or contact one of our offices online to schedule an appointment.